Monday, December 11, 2006

Take Three On The Pee Pee (Or Four.....)

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
The Penis has been in the news lately with the release of an article out of India on the problems getting European condoms on most Indian men's members. So here are three articles on the tribulations of penis owners.....why be envious, girls?


Condoms designed to meet international size specifications are too big for many Indian men as their penises fall short of what manufacturers had anticipated, an Indian study has found.

The Indian Council of Medical Research, a leading state-run center, said its initial findings from a two-year study showed 60 percent of men in the financial capital Mumbai had penises about 2.4 cm (one inch) shorter than those condoms catered for.

For a further 30 percent, the difference was at least 5 cm (two inches). A poor fit meant the prophylactics often didn't do the job they were bought for, and led to some tearing or slipping off during use.

"One of the reasons for a failure of up to 20 percent (of condoms) is the association of the size of the condom to the erect penis," the council's Dr. Chander Puri told Reuters, adding another reason was couples often put them on in a hurry.

Puri said many men in India, which has the world's highest HIV positive caseload, were too shy to ask for condoms.

"We need more vending machines for condoms of different sizes so people can pick a condom with confidence that is suited to their needs," he said.

The Times of India reported the ICMR survey had studied 1,400 men between 18-50 years of age in cities like Mumbai and New Delhi as well as in rural areas in a report. It entitled its story "Indian men don't measure up."

August 1, 2003

Germany has demanded a rethink on EU guidelines on condom size after finding its average penis did not measure up. Doctors around Essen were ordered by the government's health department to check out the average size suggested by Brussels. They reported the EU has overestimated the size of the average penis by almost 20% and insist other countries will discover the same.

Urologist Gunther Hagler, head of the team compiling the research, said: "By checking hundreds of patients we found German penises were too small for standard EU condoms. "On average they were 14.48 cms long and 3.95 cms wide. That makes them much smaller than the EU standard condom size of 17 cms in length and 5.6 cms in width." He denied the German man was any smaller than the rest of Europe, adding: "We think the EU has got its sums wrong, and if other countries were to check out their men's assets they would find the EU has made a mistake in its calculations.

"There should be a rethink and the EU statisticians should check their figures again. After all, they have also ruled EU standard condoms should be able to hold 18 litres of fluid without breaking, which also seems a bit excessive."


An Indian businessman born with two penises wants one of them removed surgically, saying he wants to marry and lead a normal sexual life.

The 24-year-old man from the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has admitted himself into a New Delhi hospital this week with an extremely rare medical condition called 'penile duplication' or 'diphallus'.

The surgery was expected to be difficult as both organs are well-formed and full blood supply to the retained penis had to be ensured to allow it to function normally.

"Two fully functional penises is unheard of even in medical literature. In the more common form of diphallus, one organ is rudimentary", says a surgeon for the case in a national newspaper.

The newspaper said there are about 100 such reported cases around the world and it is known to occur among one in 5.5 million men.

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