Saturday, December 02, 2006

You Have Nothing To Fear

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Except the paranoid lunatics who are running the TSA and their total and blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution. But then again, they're probably Republican lackies, and for some really strange reason, this new breed of Neo-Conservative Republicans doesn't seem to have any awareness of the's just TOO DAMN inconvenient when compared to their AGENDA. (It makes me near crazy to constantly hear how the gay agenda...a total fabrication on their part, threatens America; while everyday I learn yet another way in which these self-promoted "ultimate patriots'" agenda IS destroying America! Can I get a witness?)

Every day, the "terrorist" who "hate our freedoms," seem to win another victory against it.

“No Thanks. You Just Go On Through. We're Good.” Phoenix Airport to Test X-Ray Screening

Sky Harbor International Airport here will test a new federal screening system that takes X-rays of passenger's bodies to detect concealed explosives and other weapons.

The technology, called backscatter, has been around for several years but has not been widely used in the U.S. as an anti-terrorism tool because of privacy concerns.

The Transportation Security Administration said it has found a way to refine the machine's images so that the normally graphic pictures can be blurred in certain areas while still being effective in detecting bombs and other threats.

The agency is expected to provide more information about the technology later this month but said one machine will be up and running at Sky Harbor's Terminal 4 by Christmas.

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