Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bloody Hell: My Thoughts Tonight

abc_troops_070121_nr, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

The third deadliest day in this conflict without any definable end, no tangible benefits, and in the most generous words I can find, dubious provocations. The Bible tells us that where there is no vision, a people perish. But it fails to reveal the fate of a people who place their faith in the hands of an obstinant, avaricious, fool. Perhaps we are writing a new book of Holy Writ--an expanded treatise upon fools and the evils of their folly.

Yet, what price?

The lives of our best and brightest? The reputation of our nation? The future of life on this planet? And all as cavalierly as running a baseball team or oil company into the ground and then selling it off like old issues of National Geographic at a garage sale....

And what of the casualties? How I pray for their souls and weep for their families and friends. How many wars without nobility of cause are we going to see before war is declared obsolete? Or will the oceans rise up and drown us first?

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