Monday, January 15, 2007

An Unsolicited Recommendation

computerassistant, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

Over the weekend I had a cascading set of issues with my computer. My efforts to trouble shoot were in vane. So I realized that I needed help. I started by calling The Geek Squad. The deal with them was a minimum of one hour (@ $249); and in the end they could not find a single technician within a 100 miles of me willing to travel to Takoma Park or able to work on a MAC! Geez, this is Washington, D.C. after all.....

So then I went to an online yellowpages and after several impotent calls (it was Saturday morning around noon), I got in touch with Carol at Computer| She was a breath of fresh air, within an hour she had located a technician who called to speak with me. We made an appointment for 9 AM on Sunday.

He arrived at 9:04, and apologized for being late explaining that his car was on the fritz so he had to take public transportation! No small feat on a Sunday morning from his location to mine. He quickly found the sorce of the two problems on my computer and in 30 minutes, I was good to go. The cost? $125 (an obligatory hours fee for the first hour, thereafter pro rated, IF the job takes longer than that). I guess it's a standard thing.

I don't know how to rate this sort of thing, but I know it's half of the Geek Squad's initial fee. I know he came to my home (against compound odds) at the appointed time. And I know my computer is back in the pink.

So I commend Computer| to you should you need help with a problem. or 1-800-798-0173.

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