Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Don't Ask, Don't Tell....Don't Compel!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
This is from a French BLOG and the translation is not perfect (OR well edited), but I think you get the picture!

"A Chemical Weapon To Make The Enemy 'Gay'"

The American army reflected in the Nineties on a chemical weapon intended to cause homosexual behaviors among enemy soldiers. According to an ONG, this project was still being studied in 2001. To weaken the enemy forces while stimulating, by means of a chemical agent, homosexual behaviors. The idea seems absurd, it was however proposed in the middle of the Nineties by a laboratory of the American Air Force. The spokesman of the Defence Department, the lieutenant-colonel Barry Venable, declared Monday that” one had not taken action pursuant” to this proposal “advanced at a meeting of brainstorming” at the laboratory of the base of the US Air Force Wright Patterson, in Ohio, one of the most important bases of the United States Air Force.

The declaration of the American officer followed upon a report of the laboratory, whose non-governmental organization The Sunshine Project, obtained a copy via the Freedom of Information Act, an organization fighting for the transparency of programs of the chemical and biological weapons.

Powerful aphrodisiac: This report suggested developing “chemicals affecting human behavior so that the discipline and the moral unity of the unfavourable units would be affected”. The report thus quotes the case of a chemical “particularly unpleasant, absolutely not mortal, but acting like a powerful aphrodisiac which can start homosexual behavior”, likely to weaken the enemy forces. Information suggests that it would have “with incredible 95%” compliance, declares 1st Lt. Armand Lattes, director of research at CNRS and specialist in the chemical weapons. “It’s the remain 5% which must concern the secrecy defense,” he adds.

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