Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My First Endorsement for the 111th Senatorial Races in 2008

alfranken, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

Stewart, Al Franken! Okay, bad joke, but he's best known as a comedian, after all! Yet believe me, there's so much more to this man than Saturday Night Live alumnis. For the past 4 years he's hosted a nationally broadcast talk show on the nacent Air America syndication network. He's impressed me through and through by his passion for all things progressive and truly AMERICAN. He's demonstrated a powerful intellect and revealed a tender heart.

My check book's out again. I encourage you to join with me, but before you take my word for it, go to the source. and listen to or read his candidacy statement. Every word of it rings true to the American I've come to know and respect via my local progressive talk radio station.

And don't think his candidacy isn't being taken seriously in the "Land of 10,000 Lakes". Last week 7 U.S. Senators from the Republic party reversed their initial stance to oppose all debate on the non-binding Iraq War resolution; They were Snowe and Collins of ME (the last two remaining New England "Rockefellar Republicans"); Warner of VA and Hagel of NE (Two well established Hawks, Warner who co-sponored the debate bill in the beginning, and Hagel who publicly denounced the Armed Services Sub-Committee for not having the courage to debate the issue only one week earlier---i.e. no surprise), and finally, Gordon of OR, Voinovich of OH, and AND Coleman of MN! All three face relection in 2008. Gordon has got to see how anti-war his constituents in Oregon have become; Portland being one of the top U.S. cities for troop casualties per capita. Voinovich has seen the tide turn in Ohio! Or was that a tsunami?

And then there's Coleman. Good old boy Norm Coleman. A true milk toast in the life of the U.S. Senate. A complete and total rubber stamp for the Bush Administration. After four years of shoving his proverbial tongue so far up the President's tuckus that he can actually flick it across the backside of George's teeth.... What on earth would cause him to suddenly grow a spine? Two words: AL FRANKEN!

Give 'em Hell, Al!

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