Sunday, February 04, 2007

Tarot Playing!

hermit9, originally uploaded by Randuwa.

I am playing with my Tarot Cards and enjoying reading about architypal images....even as I am skeptical about any occultic power that any card of any kind from any deck could ever possess. Power is in our minds, period.

So anyways....I've randomly picked "The Hermit" thrice in a week. Isn't it a great image? I love the tree. I love trees. And I am a major Meyers-Briggsian INFP. Sorta tied with the F to the T..., the rest is annoyingly accurate. So back to the Tarot. I am inclined toward Hermitude.

Further the moon, even in a sliver, speaks to me of the night. I find the darkness of the night comforting, too. Not in an obsessive way, but the darkness of night doesn't frighten me. And to anecdote this darkness the character holds a lamp. A lamp that's light doesn't change the night. It only illumines an imperfect sphere of it.

Light is one force. It counters another force. But it's no more omnipotent than darkness. And in the quiet of my hermitude, I work to find a balance.

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