Thursday, March 08, 2007

What I'm Listening To #21

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
An album born out of a national tragedy, and a gift given to me in the crux of a personal tragedy: thus is Bruce Springsteen's "The Rising". And it's just as profound a work today as it was on the summer day back in 2002, when literally moments after my ex- moved his belongings out of 'our' home, a mutual friend from church showed up to comfort me and offer me this token of her concern.

Music accompanies out lives. I think most of the associations we hold with it are positive. But how much cooler is it when a profoundly negative one remains and grows ever more positive and hopeful? It seems like the essence of Springsteen's intention for this CD. And while my life's failures are not even fathomable compared to the failure of the twin towers of the World Trade Center....we each have built up within ourselves our own constructs of grandeur. And when they collapse, the internal pain is no less profound.

In this CD, Bruce extends and deepens his repertoire. There is always his raw and guttural vocals, but they are enhanced as he reaches new heights with his references to choral, symphonic, and gospel influences. It's a masterwork among the many which responded to the national tragedy of 9/11, and it is a personally profound response that addresses the reality of personal tragedies in all of our lives.

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