Thursday, April 19, 2007

My 2 Cents

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
I have really avoided this issue here on purpose. It's just too sad.

A state with lax gun laws only courts disaster, they can't blame others.

A nation where mental illness is stigmatized and blamed on the ill, can't act surprised.

Flowers don't grow unless there is water and sunshine. And mentally ill people don't commit mass murder unless they are left to there own devices and given access to the tools of death.

Deaths like these are by and large senseless. They are deaths like those all around the world (not just Iraq) that occur everyday at the hands of wicked, demented, pathetic souls. The Romanian professor who sacrificed his life in a vain attempt to stop the killer is the exception. No greater love has man, than to sacrifice his life for others.

The desire to bestow meaning on tragedies like this only leave us even more dispondent. For there is no "greater reason" for lives snuffed out in their youth, in their primes.

Our pathetically ignorant and soulless President had the gaul to suggest that these people where simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. This infuriated me. Since when is being in class on time, or at work when you're supposed to be there "wrong"!? Is George W. Bush trying to suggest that bullets are merely small metal objects and discharging them out of guns is a morally neutral, God given, and Constitutionally protected right of all Patriotic Americans? And when one of those bullets just happens to enter your body in a way that kills you; well, you should have been somewhere else? I'm sorry, he's a TOTAL asshole--incapable of comprehending the reality of this or any other tragedy involving death.

I have to stop my thoughts about Bush here.... My vestiges of Christian faith won't allow me to continue...damn you "grace"!

A final thought: As our nation grapples with this tragedy, we must also realize that this is only a small taste of what Iraqi's have experienced (AND ARE EXPERIENCING) day in and day out for just over 4 years now.... Can any of us imagine what it's like to live in a world like that?

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