Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spring "Break" From My Gardens #4

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
After nearly two weeks of uneasonably cool and often wet weather, Spring has returned to the Mid-Atlantic. All my perennials are flourishing. A few even blooming.

The flecks of pink in the mid-range of this picture are Dutchman's Britches, and the blue above the bird bath are Virginia Bluebells. In the background (now you see them in context), the pink and red of azaleas just starting to open can be seen. And amid the variagated interplay of greens are the sprouts of Phlox, Sedum, Wild Strawberries, Columbine, Adjuga, European Hawkweed, Celandine Poppies, and Pachysandra, to name the major "players."

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