Wednesday, April 04, 2007

"My Sweet Lord"

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Perhaps you've heard the story of the chocolate Jesus sculpture slated for exhibition in a gallery in New York City? How outrage over the concept killed it? Well here's what all the fuss is about.

And it's hard to know where to begin in commenting on this one. Conservative Christians by and large prefer to ignore all things sexual (no doubt contributing to there general anger at life and desire to force others into their puritanical little box.) So first off there is the issue of his penis. To this I say, it appears to have been God's choice to give the Savior of the World a cock. Denying it would seem at least some form of blasphemy.

Second there is the chocolate thing. Christ has been successfully and prolifically portrayed in various type of stone and wood, also metal, and concrete; and perhaps most ubiquitously of all--plastic. But chocolate? Something edible? Something leaning toward fetish in the minds of some chocoholics. Hmmm... Over the top?

Here's what this says to me: What is the true nature of Jesus Christ? What is the true significance of the feast of Holy Communion? (And given the timing) What has Easter become?--a festival of confectionary (and most notably chocolate) delights? I do find this work of art extremely provocative. And it's almost the very definition of post-modern art to provoke the viewer. To actually make the viewer think and question their sense of their world and all of the ideas that contribute to it's infrastructure.

Is this Sacrilegious? That's a good question. And it's really at the heart of what those who successfully closed down this exhibit's thinking was. And here's where I really want to be pristine in my thoughts. I do not think that anything is sacrilegious. That anything offends the God of Unconditional Love. Because that God understands ALL things. And we are at best, confused children in that God's mind. That God needs us to be that God's defenders, like we need ants to develop the ability to mindlessly serve our every need. That God has chosen to love us, because that God is NOT HUMAN. And that God was so utterly NOT Human, that only someone who was human could represent that God's presence amongst us. An act that no mere human could hope to accomplish, and thus we were given a Messiah. Jesus Christ the hybrid, the man/the God in one package.

These are incredible, miraculous, incomprehensible ideas from a God that is just that good. And why a chocolate cock would piss off such a God is beyond me! Only human fear or arrogance could drive anyone to think that such a God needs any one of us to defend God's reputation. Thank God, that God's love IS UNCONDITIONAL.

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