Sunday, April 08, 2007

Vive le Eiffel Tower!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
The Eiffel Tower has been called many things like:

1) "this truly tragic street lamp" (Léon Bloy),
2) "this belfry skeleton" (Paul Verlaine),
3) "this mast of iron gymnasium apparatus, incomplete, confused and deformed" (François Coppée),
4) "this high and skinny pyramid of iron ladders, this giant ungainly skeleton upon a base that looks built to carry a colossal monument of Cyclops, but which just peters out into a ridiculous thin shape like a factory chimney" (Maupassant),
5) "a half-built factory pipe, a carcass waiting to be fleshed out with freestone or brick, a funnel-shaped grill, a hole-riddled suppository" (Joris-Karl Huysmans).

But we all know why it holds such an iconoclastic place in both French culture and international architecture.... "suppository"?, as if!

Bon Soir!

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