Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Expect More Casualties

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
Or so says the White House today. Is that because for the first time in the history of this insane war they have finally anticipated SOMETHING?! OR is it a response to the facts? Either one is clearly a paradigm shift...if not tectonic, in it's shock and awe candor! Did you feel the ground move?

Here is a map that depicts the present rate of military casualties in the war on terror since the beginning of the year. There have been, by my best count, 466 casualties in the first 127 days of this year, or 3.6 per day. Factor that out and we are looking at a total casualty number for 2007 of around 1340! By far the deadliest year of this war with no end in sight for our soldiers.

The key to the map: gray states have experienced no casualties in 2007, yellow states have experienced casualties, but not at a rate that would exceed the total in 2006, salmon states have seen casualty rates that will exceed 2006, orange states have seen a rate that will exceed the highest year of casualties since 2003, and black states have ALREADY met or exceeded 2006's casualty total. In simplest terms: gray = good, yellow = bad, salmon, orange, and black = VERY BAD.

The inset box contains the U.S. territories of F. S. Micronesia, Guam, Puerto Rico, U. S. Virgin Islands, and Marianas Islands Protectorate (the District of Columbia is already included in the main map of the U.S.).

Here's another way to think about this. Let's add up the 50 states, DC, and the 6 territories and look at where things stand.

6 of 57 have ALREADY met or exceeded 2006's casualty total.

25 of 57 are headed to exceed the highest year of casualties since 2003.

10 of 57 are headed to exceed last year's casualty totals.

9 of 57 have experienced casualties, but not at a rate that would exceed the total in 2006.

5 of 57 have experienced no casualties in 2007.

So in this nation and her colonies; 9% of the territories are having a good year, 16% are having an average year, and 75% are have a BAD year in this War on Terrorism. Amazingly close to the President's approval ratings (28%) and with the margin of error..... hmmm.

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