Sunday, May 13, 2007

Global Trade Redux

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
I was folding my laundry this evening when I noticed that the shirt that I had recently purchased was made in Cambodia. Cambodia! -- "the killing fields"?

Now, I'm an average middle class guy. I don't live extravagantly, and I shop for my clothes at Target and Kohl's. So I thought: "Do I wear anything made by my fellow citizens in the United States? And apparently, I DON'T! I couldn't find one single label marked "Made in the U.S.A."

This montage of my clothes was made in [left to right and top to bottom]: GUATEMALA, the PHILIPPINES, EGYPT, CHINA, CAMBODIA, BANGLADESH, INDIA, TURKEY, and PAKISTAN. I also found THAILAND, BRAZIL, HONDURAS, MEXICO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, KOREA [SOUTH], and CHILE.... My clothes have been more places than me!

But NONE of them were created in the United States.... Have we entered into a new and global form of SLAVERY? I'm just asking....

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