Monday, May 14, 2007

Ode to the Pansy

Originally uploaded by Randuwa.
My favoritest flower! Hardy enough to withstand a winter which, though more often than not mild, had its share of harrowing windy nights with wind chills in the single digits. But nary a complaint from these little Lions of the garden. And always such butterfly beauty: the colors, the patterns, the playful way they wobble in the May breeze.

I am in the midst of reaping a pansy harvest as I transform my beds into summer annuals; (mostly salvia, begonias, petunias, zinnias and marigolds this year.) And while the lionshare is fodder headed for the compost heap, I couldn't help myself from pressing at least some of the hundreds and hundreds of blooms. And, of course, share a few with you.

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