Monday, May 28, 2007

Summer Gardens 01

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Don't know what you did for the Memorial Day Weekend Holiday. I continued the process of replanting my gardens for summer. This image is a bed off of the deck in the backyard. The planter has some more exotic plants, the names of which I do not remember (that's the role of the planters!) The bed is filled with impatiens and petunias in various shades of purple, lavendar, with pink and white accents.

I enjoy gardening. I don't have nearly enough time (or sense of obsession) to maintain the beds like I would want them to be in a perfect world, but I do well. And while spring is about pansies and native perennials, summer divides the beds, with half going to annuals.

Last summer, the deer ate most of them! So I am focusing on petunias this year in the hopes of discovering a species that is NOT to their culinary liking. It's certainly a flower with aroma! The sticky sweet smell is everywhere in the back yard, for sure. Fortunately it doesn't bother me, some odors do. And since I've planted approximately, 350 pentunias, 150 impatiens, 75 salvia, and 40 each of marigolds, begonias, and dianthus; all along with another 60 + specialty or more exotic hybrids of plants like fuschia, lobelia, geraniums, and various choleas to name but a few--that's probably a very good thing!

Okay, it really is an obsession.

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