Saturday, June 09, 2007

Amen for Adages

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
"You do the crime, YOU do the time."

I've avoided commenting on this chorus of pathetic rich white girl privilege, but a pole from Planet Out has caused me to offer this post.

The website asked A question and gave two responses to choose from of its predominantly Gay viewer-ship.

THE QUESTION: How do you feel about Paris's early release from jail?

THE 1st RESPONSE CHOICE: It's an outrage and an abuse of the American justice system. Throw her back in!

THE 2nd RESPONSE CHOICE: I think Paris is fabulous and I'm glad she got out early. Go, girl!

THE RESULTS: It's a 9 to 1 thang! 90% of the respondents are glad she got thrown back in! And only 10% want to see her out and loose in the general population! It feels good to have my vote counted and in the majority for a change. Cheers.

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