Monday, June 25, 2007

Many Heros

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
There are many heros all around us. I have high-lighted several (and yet only a small fraction) of the men and women who have died in this nation’s behalf in the War on Terrorism, for example. And now I offer you this portrait of the fire fighters who paid the ultimate price in the line of duty in Charleston, South Carolina last week. No greater sacrifice exists, and the risks so many in this nation take on behalf of others and the greater good form the foundation of our ethos. We owe them our respect and prayers.

May we find the power within ourselves to receive such gifts.

(Top to Bottom, Left to Right) Charleston Fire Engineer Bradford "Brad" Baity, Charleston Fire Firefighter Brandon Thompson. Charleston Fire Firefighter James "Earl" Drayton, Charleston Fire Capt. Mike Benke, Charleston Fire Capt. Louis Mulkey, Charleston Fire Assistant Engineer Michael French, Charleston Fire Capt. William "Billy" Hutchinson, Charleston Fire Firefighter Melvin Champaign, Charleston Fire Engineer Mark Kelsey.

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