Friday, June 29, 2007

Racism Fact #1

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
In light of the US Supreme Court's reversal yesterday negating the efforts of both the Seattle and Louisville public school to create more equitable systems of public education, I feel compelled to do something. So from time to time I will offer facts and ideas that illustrate why we as a nation have so much further to go in achieving an equitable society. Clearly, I speak from a place of privilege as a white male, but I will not allow that to stop me from speaking out on this issue. The guard is no less the prisoner because he holds the key.

FACT: White males who drop out of school are 5 times more likely to be employed than black males who graduate from high school. FIVE TIMES!? In other words the unemployment rate for white male high school dropouts is 5%; the rate for black male high school graduates, 30%.

SOURCE: US Representative Artur Davis, AL 7th Cong. Dist.

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