Monday, July 09, 2007

Racism Fact #2

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
A corner stone of any democracy is the fairness of it's legal system. We've recently seen that concept completely flipped on it's head by our president and his self-serving, preferential treatment of Mr. Libby. Apparently, lying to a Grand Jury is only a crime when it involves covering up fellatio; while treason gets a pass.

In this nation, the color of one's skin also determines who gets a pass and who doesn't . Out of every 100,000 white males in the United States, 42 are guests of our Federal prison system. In that same number of Hispanics, 748 get their meals behind bars. And of African Americans? 2,207 out of every 100,000 are behind bars.

In other words if you are Hispanic and male you are over 17 times more likely to be incarcerated than your white neighbor. And if you are black, you are over 52 times more likely to be in prison. 52 TIMES!

A society that allows this discrepency is broken.

SOURCE: the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. "Keep Hope Alive" broadcast, 8 July 07

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