Wednesday, July 18, 2007

This Old House #2

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
The first phase of work on renovating my poor little sun porch is complete. The front column is repaired, and I dare say, it's actually better than new. The original column was hollow, this one has a treated 2 x 4 up the middle to give it more strength. The exterior of the column is exactly like the original, even though that took a little more effort on my carpenter's part. In addition, the facia boarding around the top along with a section of insect damaged interior beams have been replaced. Finally, the orginal copper gutter is back in place with new support spikes and it's both sealed to and flush with the new facing to hinder future water damage.

Needless-to-say, I am pleased with the work and care that C & A took on it. C will call me on Monday to begin plans for phase 2.

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