Friday, July 27, 2007

We Are Not Alone

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Inspite of the dissolution of the "Coalition of the Willing". The recent change of leadership in the United Kingdom not withstanding. In Iraq there remains a modicum of other nationals serving under the auspices of "Operation Iraqi Freedom". First among the remnant remains the British. Bless them one and all!

Here are four English soldiers who have been killed in Iraq recently.

Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Senior Aircraftsman Christopher Dunsmore; Senior Aircraftsman Peter McFerran; Senior Aircraftsman Matthew Caulwell; and, Lt. Cpl. Timothy D. Flowers. They were killed in and around Basra between July 19th and 21st.

And here's what I have found most interesting by way of comparing their deaths with those of our men and women; the press releases announcing their deaths start with the following phrases:

"It is with profound sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm the deaths of ..." and "It is with deep regret that the Ministry of Defence must confirm the death of..."

Why are the Brits so sad? So torn up over the deaths of their young soldiers? While we won't even allow photographers to record the arrival of the coffins of our dead?

Do they love their military more than we love ours?

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