Sunday, July 15, 2007

What I'm Watching #93

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
The cover of the "Cote d'Azur" DVD describes the film as "A sex comedy of errors". That's really far too ambitious a subtitle for this little French film. To start with, it wasn't funny. At no point did I even have the slightest urge to giggle, let alone laugh. Once, at the very end, I cringed and fought back an urge to ralph; but that's as close to any emotion as I came.

The nauseating moment was when the cast suddenly appeared and broke into an inexplicable "dance" and "song" number. And I put both art forms in quotes for a reason.....

And here's the real shame. It's not a halfway bad little movie. It could have been a nice story that dealt with some interesting just needed someone, preferably a grown up, to edit it a little bit...okay, an adult director would have been a plus, too. I will give it one star for "le derrière du plombier".

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