Friday, July 20, 2007

What I'm Watching #95

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Okay, first of all, I selected this DVD on the recommendation of Hugh Dancy from an online interview that I read after seeing his wonderful performance in "Evening". One of the few wonderful things about that movie.....

And I have to admit that I found this film unusually interesting. It both fits a mold and breaks some new ground.

The mold is, of course, the "road film" genre made most popular by Crosby and Hope back in the 40's. Enter the first break: a Korean and an Indian take on the protagonists' roles. Hope and Crosby were always off to some exotic place. Break two, the "exotics" are off to a quintessentially American place: White Castle. And so goes the treatise all the way to some yahoo's Ph.D., I fear.

As a movie, it was sophomoric, moronic, infantile, inane....and, frankly, funny. At times really fun, at others only funny cause you knew what they meant. Fred Willard was very funny! Brad Borbridge wasn't funny, but you understood why he was supposed to be.

And in the end, all the pre-determined elements are met for a strangely, nostalgically satisfying ending.

Now, I understand that a sequel is coming out in 2008; which is cool. Well, except that if Neil Patrick Harris returns as himself...he'll need a car full of hunky near nude guys to fondle instead of the buxom beauties he faux-f@#&ed in this movie! And what kind of a mess will THAT leave on Harold's back seat? Oh, my!

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