Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Hate To Say I Told You SO.....

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Okay, I really LOVE to be proven right in the public record! Remember when I posted about Senator Craig's "Brokeback Mountain ways" on this blog back on 17 OCT 2006? And from the lingering trail of evidence...I was a real late comer to this party, even back then.

So Larry is just another GOP [Gay Old Party] hypocrit! My how they love their gays! And they're everywhere these days.

Clearly I got no problem with being gay. So my problem is with the GOP members of my tribe who in this day of revolution, evolution, and enlightenment remain poster children for the self-loathing, ego-retarded, socio-psychosexuallypathic house. If there ever was a reason to vote them off our island, Larry Craig silences the debate.

Good riddence you "nasty, naughty little boy." And blow, Larry blow; it's about to be all that's left to you!

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