Friday, August 03, 2007

July Casualty Statistics

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
July is the first month since November of last year that we have not broken the century mark in monthly casualties in the War on Terrorism. And, again, I remind you that I am basing this solely on the casualty reports from the DoD with the caveat that I include casualties in all arenas (Afghanistan, Kuwait, the Philippines, Bahrain...wherever). For this reason my totals are higher than those reported in the popular media who has completely forgotten about the thousands of American troops still fighting in Afghanistan in particular.

The perspective of this total is found in two facts. First, July is typically a "slow" month for both US and Insurgent aggressions. The average daily temperature being above 105 F! Second, inspite of this fact, the activity this year in US casualties surpassed last year's total by 53 deaths, or approximately an increase in casualties of 220%!

And George-the-Lessor still claims that things are going well? With an approval rating lower than any President in the history of such things, one just wonders for whom this fiasco is going well....

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