Sunday, August 05, 2007

Random Quote #77

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
“America has this understanding of Africans that plays like National Geographic: a bunch of Negroes with loincloths running around the plain fields of Africa chasing gazelles. Meanwhile, we have Africans and African-Americans, contemporary men, with great stories, great integrity, great heroes and nobody wants to see or hear about those African heroes and those African-American heroes. One day, I will be in a position to play those great human beings on-screen.”

~ Djimon Hounsou, 1964 -

(I just finished watching "Amistad" on TV. It's a truly American classic, and a story that everyone should know about. Mr. Hounsou plays the character, Cinque, and a web-search discovered this quote. May it come to fruition.)

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