Sunday, August 12, 2007

What I'm Watching #97

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
"Tan Lines" is a low budget Australian film about a group of teenaged boys living in a dead end coastal town somewhere in the Land Downunder. It's summer time and the living is confusing. Especially for the main character, a mongrel of a kid named Midget Hollows who aimlessly wanders through the film and in and out of various sexual explorations on the way to discovering himself. (And NOT the actor on the cover of the DVD presented here)

At times amateuristic, awkward, and quirky; it still manages to keep one's interest to the ironic end. For a first feature film by an aspiring young director/writer, it holds it's own. Doesn't deserve any awards, but does present as a book that is worth reading, even if it is quickly laid upon the shelf to gather dust. Don't feel like you have to rush out and watch it, but if the opportunity presents itself, it's worth the 109 minutes.

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