Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What I'm Watching #98

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
The director/writer of this film, Todd Stephens, describes it as both the gay "American Pie," and the "gayest film he could make!" Well, I never saw "American Pie," but I still got the joke were the protagonist of this film tried to end his virgin ways with a Queche Lorraine instead of an apple pie! Trés Bien!

The film is full of other movie references, has a fun, fun cast, including our hero's mom (lipsynka) and dad (Scott Thompson); his super fem friend's mom (Stephanie McVay), the erotic dancer (Darryl Stephens); and his Russian exchange S&M teacher (Graham Norton), and well, is just funny!..... and erotic.

The four principle players are also clearly having a great time making the movie. The only down side was the token butch lesbian, Muffler, who just seemed to annoy....but maybe that was the point. (?!)

Well done fun....in a gay way.

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