Saturday, August 18, 2007

What I'm Watching #99

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
"Keillers Park" is a film from Sweden in Swedish with English subtitles. Swedish is a beautiful language. Keillers Park is a tightly crafted film.

It's the story of a man, Peter, who randomly meets the sprite-like Nassim. Nassim, an Algerian gay refugee, awakens in Peter a realization of his deeper sexual-self; an epiphany that leads him to forsake his wife, his job, his very inheritance for the love of Nassim.

And then he is awoken from a drunken stupor by a violent police raid on his apartment and dragged into custody accused of Nassim's murder. The film actually begins with this scene and plays out the details through flashbacks incited by his police interrogators' questions. With each lapse into the past, Peter comes closer and closer to the bitter truth.

For my first foray into Swedish films, this one was very pleasing in all of the aspects that make a film enjoyable: Writing, Acting, Directing, and Cinematography. If you like murder mysteries, and don't mind reading subtitles!, you'll probably enjoy this film -- well, unless you don't want to see a gay relationship portrayed unapologetically in a movie. You've been warned, fair enough?

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