Sunday, September 02, 2007

Sunday Brunch

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
A Summer Squash & Chicken Salad


1 pkg Chicken tenders
1 med. Zucchini
1 med. Yellow Squash
1 C. frozen White Corn
2 leafy Celery tops
1 heaping Tbl sp fresh Parsley
1 heaping Tbl sp fresh Spearmint
1 heaping Tbl sp fresh Orange Mint
1 heaping Tbl sp fresh Basil
1 tsp fresh Chives

1 lg Lemon
1 lg Lime
1 Tbl sp course Dijon Mustard
3/4 C extra virgin Olive Oil

Sautee cubed chicken in butter until lightly browned, reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook for 20 minutes (until tender)

Cube Zucchini and Yellow Squash. Bring pan with salted water to boil and blanch both for 2 minutes, pour into collander containing corn and mix, let stand for a minute to drain thoroughly.

Chop herbs and celery tops. Combine with vegetables in serving bowl. Add chicken when cooking time is complete, and mix all.


Combine juice from lemon and lime with mustard and stir, add olive oil and shake to mix. You may wish to add a little pepper and salt, as well.

Toss dressing on salad and chill for 1 hour before serving. Bon Appetit!

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