Sunday, September 30, 2007

What I'm Watching #109

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
I'm into a mini-series as far as episode of 6 of 13. "I, Claudius" is one of those milestone mini-series, like "Roots". It's played out by some of the best Shakespearean actors that England had to offer back in 1976. From the likes of Derek Jacobi, Siân Phillips, and Brian Blessed to Fiona Walker, Patrick Stewart and James's just a who's who of British Thespians. About the only one's of merit who do not make appearances are Helen Merrin and Judy Dench!

After six episodes, a lesson arises. Fools are made to be leaders, because fools have ideals that can be manipulated by evil people. In the first 6 episodes of this landmark BBC production the evil people have triumphed consistently. The virtuous and the innocent have been disposed of one by one; and even the fools have ended up the victims of the evil ones. And perhaps this is the essential genius of Claudius, perceived a fool, profoundly virtuous and innocent, he time and again escapes the notice (and thus the wrathful intent or nefarious purposes) of the evil forces that swarm all around him.

But I still have 7 episodes to go, so who knows where this will lead?

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