Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Where's The Money?

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Where do the wealthiest Americans live? North Dakota with its fabled "highest percentage of Millionaires in American per capita"? Old money bastians like Cook County Illinois with it's retail, meat packing, and railroad interests; Malcolm County Michigan home of the Auto Industry magnets and their lumber and copper predicessors? Or Warren County Ohio with it's Oil, Rubber, and Iron Ore Processing industrial base? How about newer money? Places like Harris County Texas (Oil Refining) and Los Angeles County, California (motion pictures)?

Well, of course, I'm leading the witness. It's none of the above.

According to a census report of the top ten counties with a quarter of a million inhabitants and above, and the top ten counties with a population below a quarter million (i.e. Large and Small Counties); ten of the twenty are found in Virginia and Maryland and ring the nation's capital. Of the remaining wealthy counties: central New Jersey hosts 3, New York & California 2 each, and 1 for Colorado, Tennessee and Georgia.

Besides Washington DC, the municipalities that have standing include New York City, Denver, Atlanta, and Nashville.

My county ranks 7th in the large county catagory with a mean household income of $87,624. I am grateful to report that I am able to live here just a scosh above the average. And as a public school teacher (even with 23 years of experience), that's REALLY saying something.

The big picture lesson? Hmmm.... Politics pays? Cheers!

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