Monday, September 24, 2007

You Go Girl!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
This is not simply must see TV -- this is BRILLIANT politics. I hardly know where to begin. Could Chris Wallace have been more of a total freaking stooge? From the first assinine question on, Hillary did three masterful things.

ONE: When he asked the ignorant, partican, neo-con endorsed questions, she fucking laughed! That was brilliant my friends. She laughed because FOX TV is silly, it's inane, it's honestly becoming more and more irrelevant as a news source, and more, frankly interesting as a comedy channel!

TWO: She spoke intelligently and forcefully to the issues. For example. she turned Chris' characterization of her health care plan as "government coersion" into "shared responsibility" and "a moral imperative."

THREE: She didn't let the little toad cut her off. In fact, she clearly intimidated his sorry little puppet heinie!

So I say, "YOU GO GIRL!"

And see for yourself at:


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