Friday, October 26, 2007

Pray To Them

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
This from the most recent issue of "The Sun".

"Years ago I heard a story of a Native American spiritual leader who was in a circle with several environmentalists who were drumming and singing. One of the environmentalists prayed, "Please save the spotted owl, the river otter, the peregrine falcon." The Native American got up and whispered, "What are you doing, friend?"

"I'm praying for the animals," the environmentalist replied.

"Don't pray for the animals. Pray to the animals." The Native American paused, then continued, "You're so arrogant. You think you're bigger than they are, right? Don't pray for the redwood. Pray that you can become as courageous as a redwood. Ask the redwood what it wants."

As it says in the Bible, "Ask, and ye shall receive."

Ask the pandas what they want. They will tell you. The question is: Are you willing to do it?"

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