Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Senate

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Are we fairly representated? This is the question that I recently heard asked in which the answer was proprosed that only 11% of the U.S. population voted for Senators who are holding the other 89% of us in political and progressive stasis.

It seemed a reasonable idea at first glance; but I did the math for myself. And here are the results. 43% of Americans are represented by Republican Senators; and 57% by Democratic Senators. While not as meager as 11%, it's still a margine any politician in his or her right mind would die for! So why lie about it?

Let the Republicans continue to lie about everything from WMD to their grandmother's age, but let us just tell the truth. The truth is sufficient, and it's light is growing brighter every day!

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