Saturday, October 27, 2007

This Old House #11

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
As I mentioned in a recent post, the rains which we so desperately needed (and which fell soundly from Wednesday through Saturday morning at about 10 am) have postponed the completion of C's work on my sunroom.

And still, the work is 99%+ done. I called C. last evening and told him that I planned to move his tools to the garage; and he agreed that he could finish the job from there. This allowed me to begin the first phase of MY work on the interior: The Floor.

So after moving lots of stuff into the garage, I spent the lionshare of the day on my knees applying an industrial strength solvent to the tile floor and then scrubbing and scrubbing to remove the caked on waxes and grime. The work best revealed the blue in the corner square tiles. Now the floor needs to rest for at least 72 hours before I can begin applying coats of a semi-gloss sealer. And then the painting, the furnishing, the window treatments (already priced at $1016!)......

Maybe I'll have it all done by the New Year!

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