Sunday, October 07, 2007

What I'm Watching #110

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
"20 Centimeters" is a Spanish film by filmmaker Ramón Salazar. It tells the story of Marietta, a transexual desperately trying to save enough money to have "it" removed. She lives with a hapless dwarf, Tomás, who's petty schemes never get him much farther than the local jail and aspires to play the cello. Her building is inhabited by mostly desperate women who do what they have to to make ends meet. At times her best friend Berta requires Mari and Tomás to watch her little son, Paulito. Into this mix enter the drop dead gorgeous reponedor (Fruit packer...don't miss the symbolism!) who loves Mari just for who she is and specifically for what she still has between her legs.....what's a girl to do?

Well, if you're narcoleptic like Mari, you simply pass out and turn any moment into an extravagant movie musical number~!

Mónica Cervera plays the lead with gusto and pathos. And El reponedor is well played by Spanish Pop Music star, Pablo Puyol. You have a sense that everyone enjoyed making this movie, and it's an enjoyable watch for a lazy afternoon in mid-autumn.

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