Monday, November 26, 2007

2008 Senate Race Up-Date

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
With Trent Lott's cynical announcement today that he will retire before the end of the year, the control of the Senate in 2008 continues to tilt like a Tsunami toward the Democrats. Dear old Trent, defrocked one time Republican leader of the senate, has to leave before 2008, or he'll be prohibited from earning millions of dollars as a capitol hill lobbyist for TWO WHOLE YEARS! under new legislation enacted by the Democrats.

His departure brings to 6 the Republican members of the senate calling it quits and leaving open seats for 2008. Of the 6, 5 are vulnerable to Democratic pick-ups. Of the remaining 15 Republican seats, another 6 are vulnerable. Which equals eleven likely turn-overs and a majority for the Senate in the Democratic camp not seen in my lifetime. Talk about your swinging pendulum!

On the Democratic side, only 3 seats have been identified as "at risk" and with the growing tide of change, they are less and less likely to be in play.


Super likely to switch are Oregon, Minnesota, & New Hampshire; very likely are Nebraska, Alaska, and Virginia. Vulnerable are Maine, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, and Idaho.


Seats that have been weak for the Dems are Montana, South Dakota, and Louisiana.

Max Baucus of Montana has long been a rather do nothing member of the Senate; but in his favor are two wildly popular Montana Democrats: Junior Senator John Testor, and Governor Brian Switzer.

Tim Johnson of South Dakota scared us all with his recent stroke and Republicans drooled over the chance to run in that state for an open seat; however, Tim is back. His illness is taboo. The populous of the state recently defeated a draconian anti-abortion law to the chagrin of the Republican right, and the Dems have a very popular federal representative in the wings to run for the senate should, God forbid, the need arise. It's a safe seat.

Mary Landreau of Louisiana may wish to thank her junior senate partner, David Vitters, for her up-coming win. No matter how precarious Democratic fortunes are in Louisiana, at least she's not a hypocrite who likes to wear diapers while have kinky sex with Bourbon Street prostitutes! I know, not a ringing endorsement, but we are talking about Louisiana.

My prediction. The 112th Senate will be made up of 58 Democrats, 40 Republicans, 1 Independent, and 1 Independent Democrat (who will either switch to the Republican party within a month or resign).

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