Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday Funny

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Is that a banana..... Oh, no -- wait, this isn't my joke. It's one sent to me by my Colorado cousin, who also just sent me some hard personal news. And then he sends a joke? Go figure. Hope I always respond to fate as generously.

From J.H. in Denver:

Many times when I am troubled or confused, I find comfort in sitting in my backyard and having a beer along with a quiet conversation with Jesus.

This happened to me again after a particularly difficult day. I said, "Jesus, why do I work so hard?"

And I heard the reply: "Men find many ways to demonstrate the love they have for their family. You work hard to have a peaceful, beautiful place for your friends and family to gather."

I said: "I thought that money was the root of all evil."

And the reply was: "No, the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Money is a tool; it can be used for good or bad."

I was starting to feel better, but I still had that one burning question, so I asked it. "Jesus", I said, "What is the meaning of life? Why am I here?"

He replied: "That is a question many men ask. The answer is in your heart and is different for everyone. I would love to chat with you some more, SeƱor, but for now, I have to go finish your lawn."


  1. Timothy, Thank you for reading my blog and responding to this post. Victor Frankl set me on my personal road to meaning way back when I was in college. Have you read any of his works on the subject?

  2. Yes, I have read Victor Frankl's book in which he spent his time in a concentration camp back in World War 2. There, he practised his theories of Logotherapy on his fellow mates to help them find personal meaning and purpose, in order to give them the desire and hope for living throughout the ordeal.

    I think the book only focused on a personal meaning of life instead of the ultimate one, both of which are covered in my book.
