Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Priceless Photo!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Is his expression based on where his opponent's head is "locked," or did he just get caught spanking the boy?! Whatever, wrestling is so GAY!

And here's a story to support the premise.... I had a dear friend in college who actually married my best friend from high school after I introduced them...paint me "cupid". She is absolutely one of the most extroverted and fun-loving people I have ever known.

One day we were at a local mall in Central Kentucky and we ran into a friend of her younger brother. He hadn't seen him in years and so engaged my friend in conversation as to where he was in his life, and then he went into a veritable homage to their friendship and rivalry as wrestlers on opposing teams. He said things like, "He was the best wrestler. He was so quick, and I just couldn't get out of his grip. He was both firm and gentle with me, a real pro! I almost enjoyed being pinned....."

The joke was that this testosterone emoting young man was praising her GAY brother. We didn't have the heart nor even felt that it was our place to connect the dots.

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