Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sunroom Etc....

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Now that the swing is up the painting continues on the sunroom. I have decided upon a red, white and blue scheme which picks up the colors in the floor tiles. And which ought to keep me busy for most of the winter....

My Thanksgiving indulgence (and it was a modest one) was to purchase a hanging ceiling lamp for over the swing to use for reading and a 3 tiered magazine rack that I afixed to the wall behind the swing, both from IKEA.

I'm ready for snow days! And reading again. At present two novels: "Farewell To The Sea" by Cuban Reinaldo Arenas, and "The Man-eater Of Magudi" by Indian writer R. K. Narayan. Both are rather dense narratives. They are like TV shows that I watch for an hour and then switch the channel on. It's an ADD thing, I'm sure....

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