Sunday, November 04, 2007

This Old House #13

Originally uploaded by Randuwa

The exterior of the Sun Room is finally done! The ornamentation painted in greens and corals looks really nice (too bad the sun glare made part of it look white--strange).

The interior is still a work in progress, but I'm almost done with sealing the floor with a glossy finish. And I've been painting the door to the livingroom, but still have about two coats to go. The palate will be red, white, and blue. The red favors a burgundy wine/brick tone, and the two shades of blue will draw from the blue tiles in the floor. The trim will be in a semi-gloss white, meant to reflect light and hopefully allow the room to look larger....

C. plans to return one day this week to mount the swing and collect the rest of his tools.

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