Friday, November 16, 2007

What I'm Watching #116

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
Dear boys, dear me! Where to begin with "Dear Boys"?

It's a Dutch film made in 1980. it's called a "gay classic"; and frankly, I don't bother to consider any film made after 1965 as a classic anything! So the only Gay classic in my book is "The Wizard of Oz!"

One description says that the story is "outrageous". And that works for me. It's a completely fucked-up story with bizaar characters who behave in inexplicable ways for reasons that are never articulated. There's a splash of stereo-typical archetypes; but even they make no sense. It's a film made on hasheesh. And that's the only reasonable explanation for it. It's as odd and esoteric as a turn of the century Russian film by Tarkovsky, or a work by the Italian film maker, Pasolini.

Honestly, ZERO stars.....

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