Monday, December 24, 2007

22 Views of Pride 2007

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
2007 has been a year of expanding pride. Here are 22 images of pride celebrations from around the world. Places that are Iconic for their gay & lesbian communities like San Francisco and Amsterdam, Small and distant cities like Port Louis, Maritius, emerging places like Bahai, Brazil in which 300,000 people turned out to parade and celebrate.

Places where being gay and marching requires courage and exposes participants to threats and violence, like Istanbul and Jerusalem. And, of course, there's Moscow, where the government bowed to the pressure of the state church and revoked the right to march.

And the missing places..... Cairo, Lagos, Lahore, Beijing, Bangalore....Tehran.

However, these images celebrate and demonstrate a joy at being human, of being safe, and being free to be who and with whom we want.

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