Friday, December 28, 2007

Bon Appetit

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
My dear friend K. is in town for the weekend, and we met around noon to tour the Morris Louis exhibit at the Hirshhorn -- I both needed to see it again and wanted to share it with him. We have an easy friendship, one that picks up where it left off like one greets the rising sun after days of cloudiness and never imagines that a morning happened without it. I have a great affection for K.

And so his news that rather than live between two cities, DC and Boston, (as he has been doing now for nearly two years) has grown wearisome to the point of being no longer worth it came as both no surprise and a sad revelation.

After the museum he took me to lunch and introduced me to a new restaurant: Belga Café in SE off of Capital Hill is, as the name suggests, a Belgian Restaurant. K. was jonesing for a pot of Belgian mussels and some Raspberry Beer. I had an amazing poached salmon over a bed of asparagus and escarole in a tart mustard sauce and a mushroom/cheese soup.

4 stars.

Afterward I chauffeured K. to a late afternoon appointment with his doctor. A doctor who shares an office with mine! -- What a serendipitous discovery for me, his directionally challenged friend.

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