Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Enough Already!

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
It began in the groggy pre-dawn hours of Tuesday morning when I was awakened by the chop-chop-chop sound of helicopters hovering in the sky over my home. No "Good Thing" ever comes from the sound of helicopters in the morning! Trust me.

I peered out my bedroom window at 5:50 AM to see a barren New Hampshire Avenue that was glazed with an icy scheen. Ice?--A freak storm? NO SCHOOL?!

No such luck! It was a water main ruptured adjacent to the bridge over Sligo Creek. The 20" pipe was 84 years old -- another victim of an ill-equiped and too long ignored infrastructure. The immediate news report declared that it would be repaired in 6 ours.....

Yeah, right! It's been 65 hours since the rupture and the repair crew continues full tilt!. Oh, the humanity! ;-) Oh, the incessant rata-tat-tat-tat of the jack hammers and back hoes......

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