Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Final Christmas Thought

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
At the cusp of the end of this season of Light; a season when Jews celebrate the preservation of light, when Scandinavians dress little girls in crowns of light, when Germans adorn fir trees in candles of light, and Latin Americans join in a flurry of pyrotechnical explosions of light to dazzle the streets of Managua, San Salvador, and Guatamala City.....

Imagine the universal joy of light.

When those of us in the United States decorate our homes with millions of miles of little light bulbs to express our joy and give our children a glowing memory of trees, and bushes, and windows, and doors, and wreaths, and menorahs alight.

Imagine how much we are just a part of the whole.

And when the ancient god of Judia and Israel proclaimed through the prophet Isaiah: "The people who dwell in the darkness have now seen a great light; those who were living in a land of shadows, upon them a light has shone. Thou hast richly given them gladness, and an amply joy; in thy presence they rejoice like harvesters, as men rejoice dividing plunder."

Imagine the timelessness of the mystery of light.

Well...what else is to be said?

Thanks be to God.

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