Thursday, December 06, 2007

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow....."

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
"D.C., we have SNOW!"

And we do. The 1 to 3 inch forecast in the DC area turned into 4 inches here in Takoma Park. The 2 to 4 inch warning for north of the district became 6 inches for Frederick, Maryland.

And on Wednesday, my morning commute from TP to Gaithersburg more than tripled from a 40-50 minute average to 160 minutes: leaving my home at 6:50 AM, I arrived at school at 9:30~! A school in serious "classroom coverage" mode as other teachers had yet to arrive....

I grew up in Michigan where 4 inches of snow is no more serious than a moderately foggy morning; but Maryland on the cusp of DC is just too full of people who have too little experience with such weather from which to respond in a sensible manner. Therefore, chaos always ensues. It's not massive, in fact, it's very limited. But it only takes a dozen well placed traffic accidents to immobilize 500,000 people! -- Isn't that a scary thought?

And then there's this picture from the day after: My home draped in the first snow of the season -- so serene.

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