Saturday, December 15, 2007

An Unexpected Gift

Originally uploaded by Randuwa
I have lived here in Takoma Park for just over 13 years. For a few of those year one of my neighbors was a man named Paul. You'll be hardpressed to meet a nicer guy. Paul's day job involves taxidermy and making models for the museums of the Smithsonian Institution. If you visit D.C. and go the Natural History Museum the re-installed Elephant that will greet you upon your arrival's Paul's work, The horses straining to pull the mail coach up the wooden bridge at the National Postal Museum adjacent to Union Station are also Paul's.

So it's really not surprising that in his free time he's a sculptor of animals in bronze. What was a surprise is that, years after moving to his new home in rural Montgomery County with his artist wife, he should send me one of works as a gift. It's a little bronze of a juvinile penguin. I wish the picture did it more justice.

We've share a card since his departure and I've occasionally sent he and his wife a poem on an art postcard. A lesson in how acquaintances become NSA friends, perhaps.

You can find more of his work at

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